Pork Rag with Creamy Polenta
As I write this article, it is cold, dark, and very wet outside—perfect weather for curling up in front of the fire with a bowl of comfort food. The pork ragù recipe below is the perfect comfort food and though it takes a few steps to make the foundation of your sauce, most of the work is done while all the ingredients simmer in a large pot on the stove. Not only does this ragù make enough for a crowd, but as it cooks the ragù is going to fill your kitchen with a mouthwatering aroma.
There are many variations of ragù but what they all have in common is how they are cooked—low and slow, meaning low heat, and for a couple hours. This process tenderizes less expensive cuts of meat, breaking them down into a rich sauce.
Today most people would consider ragù an Italian dish; one of the most well-known is Bolognese. However, ragùs origins are French. During the Napoleonic wars invading soldiers introduced French Ragout to Italy. Ragout, is a stewed meat dish that was revised over many decades into what we know and recognize today as ragù. Initially it was a dish only for the affluent because meat was too expensive for most Italians. Meat stews, especially with pasta, were only eaten on religious holidays and the occasional Sunday.
The more updated version below is a bit lighter than many traditional ragùs, leaving out stock and milk, which saves a few extra steps without any loss of flavor. This pork ragù is delicious over a soft soupy polenta, but you can use wide noodles, such as pappardelle, tagliatelle, or a tubular pasta. If you use any pasta, make sure it is substantial enough to stick to the sauce.
Serves 8
Ragu Ingredients:
3 lbs. boneless pork shoulder cut into 6-8 large chunks
2 tablespoons of canola, or grapeseed oil
2 cups of finely diced yellow onion
2 tablespoons of minced garlic
1 cup of finely diced carrot, approximately two
2 stalks of celery finely diced
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
¾ cup of red wine
1 28oz. cans of whole peeled tomatoes
2 teaspoons thyme
2 bay leaves
Salt and pepper
Put the meat chunks into a bowl and cover with salt and pepper. Rub seasoning into the meat and set aside. Heat a pan with a heavy bottom over medium high heat. Add oil and the meat in a single layer. You might have to do this in batches. Cook pork, turning with tongs as it browns: about 10 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Discard all but 1 tablespoon of the oil. Lower the heat and add onion, carrot, and celery. Cook until the onion is softening—about 3 minutes. Add the garlic, stir to combine for a minute, add the tomato paste and cook until it starts turning dark. Now add the wine and scrape any of those yummy brown bits off the bottom of the pan. When the wine has reduced by half add the tomatoes, breaking them up with a wooden spoon. Next add the thyme, the bay leaves, 2 cups of water, the browned pork, and any juices that have accumulated in the bowl. Cover and simmer at low heat for 2 ½ -3 hours. Check occasionally to stir the pot. Break up the pork into smaller pieces or shred it. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve over polenta
Polenta Ingredients:
1 ½ cups of yellow corn polenta
4 tablespoons of butter
1/3 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Bring 1 ½ quarts of salted water to a boil. Pour polenta into the pot while whisking to combine.
Lower heat and cover. Set timer for 10 minutes. When the timer goes off whisk for a minute. Repeat two more times until you get the consistence/texture you want—about 30-35 minutes. Add the butter and cheese to combine.