Summer Tomato Basil Pasta
Basil has a very distinctive smell, so it never gets mistaken for flat leaf parsley or cilantro. It is a favorite summertime herb, and the smell often wafts from our kitchen here at Chez Alexander. There was a period though, when I really couldn’t tolerate it—we were living in the mountains in southern California east of LA. I was taking classes at a local junior college, and had to drive through fields of vegetables and fruit orchards on the hour-long drive to class twice a week. The scent from the basil fields was overpowering and made me nauseous because I was pregnant. Rolling up the windows didn’t work and I couldn’t hold my breath for the whole length of the fields. The best distraction was to drive my old VW hatchback as fast as possible with music blaring. One morning just as I got to the bottom of the mountain, I felt the car jerk as it started to skid and I watched one of the back wheels roll past me. Later, after inspecting the back end, the tow truck driver turned on the ignition. Over the blaring music he laughed and said, “ I don’t suppose you heard anything unusual?” Luckily for me the basil was harvested the following week.
This is a summer recipe. Great for a party—you can double the ingredients easily. It takes about ten or fifteen minutes in the morning to gather the ingredients in a bowl. Then push it to the back of the countertop and let it sit while you get on with your day. In the evening cook the pasta for ten minutes or so and voilà! No oven involved and the stove only has to be on long enough to cook the pasta. Once it is cooked you toss it in a bowl with the room-temperature sauce and it just melts together. The combined smell of basil and garlic is mouthwatering. Everyone is marveling at you thinking you slaved all day over this dish.
The original recipe calls for preparing the sauce two hours before, but I find that if I make it in the morning and leave it on the counter with a plate over it the flavors are more developed.
Also, If you have trouble with raw garlic you can use roasted garlic. You still get the flavor of the garlic but when it roasts in oil, it sweetens and mellows, and is also easier on the digestive system. I keep a jar on the door of my fridge at all times. As long as you keep the garlic covered in olive oil, it lasts forever and I find that I use it more and more on roasted veggies, salad dressings, pizza or other pasta sauces.
Photo by: Claudia Alexander
Summer Tomato Basil Pasta
Serves 4
adapted from the Silver Palate Cookbook
6 medium sized tomatoes cut into 1⁄2-3⁄4 -inch chunks
1/2 cup olive oil
8 oz. brie—cut off rind
1⁄2 cup basil leaves cut into ribbons (make sure they are dry, or the oil won’t stick)
2 large cloves garlic minced (about 2 teaspoons)
1/2 lb. dried linguini
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
In a large bowl, place the tomatoes, olive oil, brie (torn into pieces), basil ribbons, garlic, 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt, and a couple grinds of pepper. Mix to incorporate and then leave the bowl on the counter with a plate over it to macerate. (See note above.)
Bring a large pot to boil and cook pasta according to package directions. You want the pasta to be tender but still have a bit of tooth. When the pasta is ready, quickly drain and toss with the sauce. Taste for seasoning and add a bit more salt and pepper if needed. Serve immediately.
Photo by: Lucy Alexander